Bursary opportunities

We believe that a Highgate education should be accessible beyond those who can afford it

Supporting Bursaries

  • We believe a Highgate education should be accessible beyond those who can afford it. Our bursary fund helps academically gifted children achieve their ambitions, regardless of their family’s financial ability to pay for school fees.
  • We currently have around 100 pupils receiving a bursary in the Senior School, most awards cover 90%-100% of their fees.
  • Children are considered for places on academic merit alone, bursary pupils are measured against the same criteria as fee-paying candidates. Pastoral care, for all pupils, is at the heart of our thinking; we know bursary families sometimes benefit from additional support and it is our duty to deliver this.
  • Bursaries benefit an entire school: parents want children to grow up in a reflective community and leave school able to relate to others, irrespective of their background.
  • Donations to our bursary fund means we can offer a transformative educational experience to more children.

We invite donors to make gifts in a variety of ways to suit their personal circumstances:​

  • Regular instalments enable us to fund a bursary pupil’s education at Highgate year by year.
  • Single donations, should a donor prefer to give a multi-year bursary in one instalment rather than several;.
  • Capital or legacy gifts, enable us to build up an endowment fund, to help secure the future of bursaries.​

To find out more about donating to bursaries, please email our Development Director: development@highgateschool.org.uk.

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