Last week, our Junior School focussed on the theme of anti-bullying, to embed our ongoing values of kindness, empathy and compassion.
The focus this year was ‘One Kind Word’, as chosen by the national Anti-Bullying Week campaign. The children explored the theme through drama, poetry, debate and creative arts, and learned about social interactions in context. A key feature of the week’s activities was a Y5 trip to the Royal Courts of Justice, on Thursday and Friday, to try out their articulation and debating skills that they had been developing in drama workshops. Pupils were assigned roles in a mock trial for a case concerning cyberbullying. This activity allowed pupils to delve deeper into topics relating to anti-bullying week.
Victoria Nemeth, Assistant Principal (Curriculum), explains: “The Royal Courts of Justice trip complements the overarching anti-bullying theme in the Junior School, where pupils are encouraged to think thoughtfully about their interactions with each other and with those in the wider community and, as a result, behave in a respectful manner. Mutual respect, tolerance, kindness and appreciation of our diverse community are central to our shared values.”
Divya Jani, Head of Year 5, added: “The facilitator at the Royal Courts said that Highgate Junior School pupils produced some of the best mock trials she had ever witnessed and that the pupils’ knowledge, preparation and commitment to the trial was exceptional. Pupils were commended for putting in excellent effort in their closing statements, for taking to the witness stand with much conviction and for dealing with some tough cross-examination from the opposing side. The ‘judges’ were praised for their passionate and knowledgeable attitude – undoubtedly, some budding barristers for the future!”

Continuing the theme this week, Y3-6 are looking at scenarios where one kind word can provide a sense of perspective and positivity, thus promoting the school’s shared values.