Highgate School is now full open, however social distancing measures are in place and we are keeping pupils safe via separate ‘bubbles’, masks being worn between lessons and hand sanitisers placed at frequent places across the School.
We understand that this can be an unsettling time for pupils and if anyone requires emotional support, please contact counselling@highgateschool.org.uk.
We welcome any questions from parents as always via communications@highgateschool.org.uk. Additional help can also be sought below:
The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline is available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling: Phone: 0800 046 8687, with opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm and Weekends from 10am to 4pm.
Rainbow artwork made by key workers’ children
Key workers’ children taking part in science at School
Pupils worked via Highgate@Home during lockdown
Highgate staff, Alumni and parents have been involved in many activities to support keyworkers, NHS staff and members of the community who may be struggling. Examples include:
- The DT department are working with LAET colleagues to make 1,000 safety visors per week. Read more here
- We have opened our sports field for local people to take their daily exercise. Read more here
- The Science department has donated 280 pairs of safety goggles to the Whittington Hospital.
- A group of parents are making meals for NHS workers.
- A Highgate community coronavirus fund is raising money for LAET families and services in Tottenham. Click here to donate
Social Media
Keep up-to-date with school life and opportunities to provide support by following us on Twitter @Highgate1565, Facebook and Instagram
You can also visit our Highgate@Home blog page, where pupils and staff will be sharing regular features on school life during ‘lockdown.’
Any members of the press who would like to get in contact with the school should email communications@highgateschool.org.uk or telephone 020 8347 3542.
You can read our Head Adam Pettitt’s recent interview with the Ham & High newspaper here.