This year, both Junior and Senior Schools have introduced a new event for the summer term – ‘Culture Week’ – to celebrate and learn about the wide variety of cultures across the school community.
In the Junior School, pupils spent time in lessons, engaged in activities to celebrate and embrace diversity. The week culminated in a celebration event, ‘Highgate World Village’, presented by families within the school community. The Junior School hall was bursting with colour and festivities, showcasing themed stalls from over 25 nationalities, with a range of activities such as food tasting, storytelling and music.
Senior School pupils attended culture week assemblies and spent time in their tutor groups sharing elements of their own identities through a cultural ‘show and tell’. There were bake sales during breaktimes and ‘Highgate Blue Plaques’ to share staff and pupil identities.
Throughout the week, clubs and societies held themed talks and activities, including a discussion about Queer Culture at PrideSoc, an exploration of cultural influences within western popular music at Vinyl and Philosophy Society, an introduction to the Chinese Calculator at Problem Solving club and Open Poetry Hour with Book Club, among others.
The new Heads of School for 2024-25, Jia and Henry, spoke to their peers in assemblies, saying: “To us, we see Highgate culture as one of inclusivity and acceptance. Whether that be of religious, racial or ethnic identity, we see it all as things to be championed and for you to be proud of.
“We are so excited about culture week as it’s the perfect way for us to show our appreciation for all the different backgrounds within the school community, especially as it is one that’s so reflective of London’s wider diversity and melting pot of culture.”
Chanel Noel, Strategic Inclusion Lead, added: “Aligned with Highgate’s school values and inclusion objective is a sense that each unique member of our community is important, and their place in our wider community deserves celebration.”