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Four Highgate pupils from Y8 have won the 2024-25 CyberFirst Girls Competition, run by GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre.

Alice, Sarah, Amina and Fei, under their team name ‘Avengers’, triumphed in the Independent Schools category of this nationwide contest, bringing the trophy home to Highgate for the third time. The team will receive their award at a ceremony on International Women’s Day, (Saturday 8 March 2025) at Jodrell Bank, the world-leading science research institute.

The CyberFirst Girls Competition aims to inspire girls interested in technology to pursue a career in cyber security. Teams from around the UK use a range of cyber skills to compete in code cracking, decrypting messages and solving puzzles in an online contest.

Andrew Dales, Head of Computer Science at Highgate, said: “Whilst we’re always delighted when our teams do well, it’s just as valuable to see them working collaboratively, gaining confidence and really pushing themselves. We’re now seeing some of the girls who did the competition three or four years ago doing very well at GCSE Computer Science and choosing to take the subject forward to A Level.”

You can read more about our Computing department here.