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At the end of Lent term, our pupil-led Eco Council delivered a whole-school assembly to encourage all Junior School staff and pupils to be more environmentally friendly.

This impressive presentation, given by key members of our active Eco Council, highlighted how busy the group have been during Lent term, from monitoring local air quality with pollution sensors to collecting almost three bags of litter in and around our playground! The surprisingly results of their air pollution research will be shared during the Summer term and members urged all in the School to please put litter in the correct bins, as well as to re-cycle waste, if possible.

Biodiversity and wildlife around our School has also been under discussion by members of our Eco Council. An eco-gardening club will be set up during the Summer term, while plastic will be re-cycled and made into art during a lunchtime art club. Special thanks was given to Mrs Henderson and her pupils who donated the bird houses that they produced in DTE classes to Highgate. These will be put up around our School grounds.

Finally, our Eco Council included a list of ways to make your classroom more eco-friendly, with tips such as turning off lights, keeping a scrap paper drawer and using re-usable water bottles.

If you’re feeling inspired by our Eco Council then don’t forget to check out the pledges, by staff and pupils from across our Junior School, on our beautiful Earth Hour 2019 tree! This noticeboard can be found on the ground floor of our building and you are welcome to add your own “leaf” pledge too.