Last week, the Junior School joined an event called ‘Maths Week England’ that aims to encourage children to access and enjoy interesting mathematical experiences from the same source.
The linked activities include Numberfit!, Science Museum Cipher Wheels, Teach Active, Where maths meets…the world of work!, Maths on Toast, Cambridgeshire LA Maths Team resources, Doug presents: MATHEMATICS IS A SURPRISE!, Lifesavers Financial Literacy, Sumaze, Yohaku Puzzles, Walking Mazes, Buchanan’s Brainbusters, Get Calculating!, Terrific Tessellations, NRICH Roadshow Puzzles, BBC Teach, and many more.
Plenty of fun, hands-on activities and maths videos were explored and enjoyed by the pupils across Years 3-6. The children and staff alike thoroughly enjoyed the week-long event, teaching and learning about how to further develop a confident, resilient and can-do attitude to maths and to become as creative as possible with mathematical methods and numeracy skills.
Pupils took part in an competition set by the Royal Statistical Society to show an innovative way of recording, measuring and analysing some interesting data! Special mention was made by judges of the high quality of the entries from Highgate.
Below is Year 5 Lola’s beautiful creation, showcasing analysis of steps taken over a week using different measuring markers for hours, days and exercise levels!
Analysing the number of steps taken over a week, by Y5 Lola
There were a plethora of imaginative statistical projects produced. Some pupils chose to measure nutritious value in food and the number of colour variants in their favourite box of chocolates, see below from Y6 Sameen and Y5 Dylan!
Analysing the number of different colour chocolates in a box, by Y6 Sameen
Measuring daily nutritional goals for boys aged 9-13, by Y5 Dylan