Congratulations go to Y13 musician Vinnie, who has been shortlisted in the top ten for The Song Academy Young Songwriter 2022 competition.
His song ‘Contrast’ has been selected out of 815 other pieces created by songwriters aged 8-18 from across the world! The Song Academy team says that “The top 10 finalist songs (Top 5 finalists’ songs in the international categories) were selected as they stood out for their creativity, invention & courage with lyrics & melodies illuminating our imaginations.”
Vinnie, who recorded, mixed and mastered ‘Contrast’ on his computer in his bedroom, says that songwriting offers him a creative outlet to express thoughts and ideas: “Sometimes I’ll look for a beat on YouTube or play some chords on guitar or piano and run with what comes to me. Usually, if I’m being honest, whatever has been bothering me, or is making me joyous will be the subject of the song.”
Judges of the Young Songwriters include Tom Grennan, Amy Wadge, Miranda Cooper, Tom Odell, Eg White, Jimmy Napes, Emily Phillips, Plested, Hannah V, Sodajerker, Sacha Skarbek, Calum Scott, Dan Gillespie Sells, Janet Devlin, Simon Aldred & Grace Davies.
Fraser T Smith (songwriter, producer and SAYS21 judge) said: “With so much going on in the world, it’s never been more vital for young people to be able to channel their energy and emotions into something positive, which is what The Young Songwriter competition encourages and facilitates through songwriting. Every young person has something to say, a story to tell, or a message to share – that’s why Song Academy is so important to our community.”
Vinnie is keen to encourage other young musicians to get involved in next year’s SAYS23 if they like songwriting: “Just do it, you don’t know what something might bring you until you try. Even if you fail, sometimes we hide ourselves away making fantasies about who we could be, but until we put ourselves out there, we will never know what we can achieve!”
The UK/Ireland winners will be announced on 25 June at The Young Songwriter 2022 live showcase held at The Tabernacle, Notting Hill, London. You can listen to Vinnie’s song ‘Contrast’ here