Parents and Carers

We strive to foster an authentic partnership with our parents/carers; working together to support the academic and emotional growth of the young people in our care


We believe it is essential that parents/carers are provided with objective, constructive and regular feedback on the progress of their children and there are structures in place across the whole school to facilitate this.

Teachers, pastoral teams and specialist staff support pupils through all stages of childhood. Collaboration with parents/carers is key to the success of this work and there are resources, events, coffee mornings and information evenings to share insights and deepen the partnership.

Parents/carers are encouraged to reach out to staff to discuss any element of their child’s education. For the Pre-Prep and Junior Schools, the class teacher is the best place to start. In the Senior School, the first port of call is usually the form tutor (for Years 7 and 8) or the Head of House (for Year 9 and above).

highgate parents carers
Parents and Carers cycling to Highgate School


Our online ‘Parent Portal’ hosts a range of information and resources, including curriculum overviews, reading lists, pastoral and wellbeing advice, sports fixtures, residential visits, co-curricular opportunities, administrative information and Pre-Prep learning journeys.

We are keen to listen to the views and experiences of our parents/carers and take suggestions on how to improve communications; to that end a Parents Forum has been set up to facilitate communication between the school and the parent body, but we welcome thoughts and suggestions at any time.

Our social media accounts provide highlights of day-to-day school life, alongside our News page and Voices blog for a deeper insight.

Parent Input

We are grateful to our enthusiastic parent body who share their time and expertise to enhance our pupils’ experience. Recent involvement includes leading classroom activities, giving talks at Senior School societies and sharing advice at Careers events.

We have two Parents’ Associations at Highgate which play an important role in the life of the school, helping to foster a sense of community within the parent body.

The Pre-Prep and Junior School Parents’ Association typically organises a Welcome Drinks for parents, the Christmas Fair, Quiz/Bingo night and a Summer Fair. As well as their social function, these events generate important funds for charities nominated and voted on by parents. The Senior School Parents Association organises large committee-led events as well as informal social evenings for classes and houses. They also coordinate a second-hand uniform service and offer a babysitting directory.

Parents’ Associations at Highgate School
I’ve found the Parents Association to be very active and inclusive Highgate parent
The school enables even the busiest of parents to feel a part of this wonderful community Highgate parent
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