We have an experienced in-house project team to deliver these works without compromising our educational priorities
Highgate’s forthcoming building works will take place sequentially over a period of about 10 years, with periods of no major works between them. The order of works is as follows:
The plans have been submitted to Haringey Council, to be considered for planning permission. The decision is still pending, and no building contracts will be entered into before 2025.
High quality temporary accommodation will be provided on a portion of our existing synthetic pitch located on the Bishopswood Road campus.
During the Science Block, Dyne House and Performance Centre projects, teaching will be planned carefully across the Senior School site, the majority of which will be in normal use, and the temporary accommodation.
Customisation of these temporary buildings will ensure that the facilities meet our specific needs and requirements. They will be more than fit for purpose and designed with our pupils’ comfort and safety in mind. (The adjacent images are examples for illustration purposes)
As timings and methods of specific projects firm up, we will provide further information to parents and our neighbours on how school life will, and will not, be affected. As we did when the Junior School was being built, we will hold workshop evenings for families to be briefed on the precise details.