Sport at Highgate Pre-Prep

We want all pupils to find enjoyment through physical activity

From the age of 4 to 18, Highgate pupils are taught sports and exercise by specialist coaches and teachers to ensure a high quality experience.

In our Pre-Prep, we offer a child-centred physical education programme that is an inclusive way of engaging pupils in sport and physical activity.

Our aim is to provide pupils a range of activities within a stimulating learning environment where participation, progression and enjoyment go hand in hand.


‘For London, the outdoor space and facilities are amazing. My children are extremely happy.’ —Pre-Prep parent


We pride ourselves on making use of innovative practices to engage pupils and promote transferable learning. Our Department’s specialist knowledge of child development and best practice has enabled us to create a seamless, research-led curriculum that supports our pupils at each stage of their development. By Year 2, our Pre-Prep pupils are introduced to concepts that seek to enhance their game understanding and tactical decision making in targeted sports.

Each Pre-Prep class receives two sports and exercise lessons, per week, that focus on five key areas of physical literacy:

  • How I work with those around me
  • How I handle objects
  • How I move
  • How I interact with the environment
  • How I express my emotions


Development and progression are values at the heart of our Department. We strongly believe that development, as an alternative to competition, is essential to ensuring that our pupils excel, and ultimately achieve, their full potential.


A physically literate child is a confident and creative child, who moves fluently and is knowledgeable about the importance of health, activity and sport. We believe developing physical literacy, alongside the characteristics of commitment, responsibility and respect, provides the foundation for both future performance and lifelong physical activity habits.

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