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On Wednesday 3 July, Highgate will be hosting its third annual environmental CPD (continuing professional development) event, in partnership with the London Schools Eco Network (LSEN).

Environmental educators from across London and the Southeast are invited to attend, with free places available for state school participants.

The day will consist of a series of talks and discussions on key themes in environmental education at secondary school level. There will also be opportunities for attendees to network and share best practice.

The key-note presentation will be delivered by Alison Kitson from UCL’s Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education, speaking about environmental education across the whole curriculum (not just the usual subjects, like Biology and Geography).

Gabriel Roberts, Head of Environmental Sustainability at Highgate, commented: “The Highgate-LSEN CPD day will help to reinforce the vitally important network that exists between different schools and parts of the education sector. The environmental crisis is becoming increasingly severe, and educators have a particular responsibility to inform and prepare the younger generation for the challenges which it will present. Collaboration is crucial to this because it allows the most effective strategies and the most novel ideas to be shared quickly and deployed at scale.”

More information and booking details can be found here.