At the end of half term, Senior School pupils rallied together for our annual Charity and Community week, raising over £5000 for three charities chosen by our pupils:
- UK Antarctic Heritage Trust as chosen by Lower School pupils (Y7&8)
- Street Child as chosen by Middle School pupils (Y9-11)
- Women’s Aid as chosen by Sixth Form pupils (Y12&13)

During the week, there were bake sales, breaktime busking, foodbank collections, a sustainable non-uniform day (in support of the school’s eco-campaign Fast Fashion Free February), a ‘sweets in the jar’ competition and a charity quiz. The popular Footballers v Netballers Netball match took place between the first and second teams, despite the unfavourable weather conditions, with a win for the netballers in both.
Staff showed their support for the fundraising efforts by joining pupils in the busking activities in Central Hall and battling it out on the netball court. Pupils from the netball first team umpired, scored and coached the game, which resulted in a 15-10 win for the pink team.
Bea, Y11, from the Charity and Community Action Group, who helped to organise the events and deliver assemblies, reflected: “I enjoyed interacting with younger years to spread awareness about the causes we are donating to and how we can benefit them. The fundraising activities that we organise in the week like the Charity Breakfast and Busking are always enjoyable community events.”
Tim Hyam, Co-Director of Pupil Volunteering and Community Engagement said: “The pupils have excelled themselves in organising the events and getting involved in so many ways to benefit the charities that they chose to support. The week was also an important time for us to reflect on how and why we give to charity and the connections we can make between different parts of our community – in school and beyond.”