During this half term, members of the school Senior Leadership Team, along with school prefects in Y13, are visiting Pre-Prep pupils to read books which celebrate the diversity of our community.
Guests this term have included Adam Pettitt (Head), Tanya and Orestis (pupil Heads of School), plus a further 15 pairs of prefects and senior leaders, including Dr Enya Doyle (Director of Inclusion) who led this initiative.
Teachers have chosen four books per year which represent the increasing diversity and inclusivity in our curriculum. The staff and older pupils will read these books over the course of four weeks during story time with the Pre-Prep children after lunch.
Over the course of a year, a Pre-Prep child will take home approximately 180 books. We recently audited the texts that the children had access to, to see how representative they were of the world around us. We then made a significant purchase of new texts that cover a wider range of topics in our home readers, classroom books and library. ‘Look up’ by Nathan Bryon, ‘Hats of Faith’ by Medeia Cohan and ‘We are all wonders’ by RJ Palacio are now found in every classroom.