One of Highgate’s oldest societies has just hosted a talk by one of Westminster’s most well-connected and trusted reporters.
A national news journalist for more than 20 years, Tim Shipman has worked for the Daily Mail, Sunday Telegraph, Express and Sunday Express, before taking up his current position at the Sunday Times. He visited Highgate to give a fascinating talk on the current political situation to a packed audience of Senior School pupils.
Current Year 12 pupil, Yoel, said: ‘The talk by Tim Shipman was great; a brilliant opportunity to get the inside track on Westminister gossip. I particularly enjoyed his amusing anecdotes and insights into the personalities of our leading politicians, as well as his thoughts on the UK’s political future.’
Our Head of Lower School, Mr Pullan, also went home happy, with his autographed copy of Tim’s latest book, Fall Out: A Year of Political Mayhem. V G